I bought a business ☕️


Daily Inspire

Get weekday encouragement and weekend inspiration with Tanya Moushi, a six-figure solopreneur with over a decade of experience in the digital world. She is the author of Love is the Business Plan, an advisor for 6-cities in the USA, and a big-time advocate for Good Business. Through her writing, Tanya shares her own journey of building a portfolio of business as a mid-thirties woman, and provides emotional support and encouragement to entrepreneurs with the mission of inspiring them to create more values-driven business.

Grab a cup of coffee. This is the Weekend Edition.
This week's email is sponsored by the company I bought

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Well hello!

Two things to tickle your brain today:

1) Simon Sinek's free bagels

2) My latest business acquisition

Free bagel or nah?

Simon Sinek (the Start with Why guy) and his buddy are walking in Central Park and a well-known runner's organization is offering free bagels to passers-by. They do this every month.

Simon says, "Let's get a bagel!"

And his friend says, "Nah, the line is too long."

"But it's a free bagel," says Simon.

"Too long," says his friend.

And right there it clicks for Simon: you can be the kind of person who sees the opportunity or the kind of person who sees the obstacle.

Which are you?


What's the best that can happen?

It's so easy to see the obstacle in the way. As humans, we naturally have a negative bias and gear towards self-protection, but all too often, we miss the real potential of certain opportunities. So my challenge for you is this: start asking, "What's the best that can happen?" Then, answer it.

📈 Behind the Business: A New Acquisition in the Portfolio

Meet Austin Walker.

Austin worked for a client of mine.

During a meeting last year, he shared a dream with me: to build a company that focuses on preparing youth with essential life skills.

Austin didn't just talk about this dream. He showed me a workbook he's been creating over the past 5 years. It's meticulously designed and covers 150+ topics from etiquette to taxes to health and social skills.

It's an awesome companion for middle and highschoolers.

He was also super honest and vulnerable about what he needed to take this thing off the ground––and I happened to have many of those skills.

So I bought in as 20% owner.

The deal aligns with my mission of creating a portfolio of companies that have a positive social impact and I get to work with such a genuine and cool person.

Here are the green flags that sold me:

  • Building a prototype using his own money
  • Total honesty about his own strengths and weaknesses
  • Real enthusiasm for the greater mission

In the last 24 hours, we've had 3 sales! I could get used to these notifications...

Here's the strategy for the coming months:

  • Tap into potential partnerships (teachers, schools, parents)
  • Finalize a print partner for the hardcover edition
  • Organize workshops and scholarship opportunities

It's Austin's baby but I'm a proud Advisor.

If you want to check out the workbook, use the code DI50 for 50% off. Good for one week.

And if you have an idea, talk to people about it.

You never know who can help.


Have a great week!

Tanya Moushi ("moo-shee"),
Moushi & Co. | Daily Inspire
Designing Good Business

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1) Insightful afternoon read: Learn my personal story and business philosophy in my book, Love is the Business Plan (and other unconventional ideas).

2) Maybe you should talk to someone: Therapy for your business is a real thing and 1:1 Advisement can help.

Daily Inspire

Get weekday encouragement and weekend inspiration with Tanya Moushi, a six-figure solopreneur with over a decade of experience in the digital world. She is the author of Love is the Business Plan, an advisor for 6-cities in the USA, and a big-time advocate for Good Business. Through her writing, Tanya shares her own journey of building a portfolio of business as a mid-thirties woman, and provides emotional support and encouragement to entrepreneurs with the mission of inspiring them to create more values-driven business.